Thursday, 7 June 2018

Review: The Poison Bed by E.C. Fremantle

The cover for this book is simply beautiful and I couldn't resist downloading it. It was only later I realised it had been written by the author of The Girl in the Glass Tower (using a slightly different name), which I read last year and thoroughly enjoyed.

The Poison Bed is set in the early 17th century, at the court of King James I, and is about a real-life murder. Frances Howard, married to a man she despises, falls in love with the King's 'favourite', Robert Carr. Promoted beyond his abilities, Robert depends heavily on his friend James Overbury's advice to keep his job and favour with King, but finds himself becoming increasingly obsessed with Frances. James Overbury will do anything to prevent his friend ruining himself over a woman - but will he go so far as to reveal the truth behind Robert's friendship with the King - and risk bringing down the entire monarchy?

The Poison Bed is a gripping story of lust and power and murder. I was completely enthralled by the story of Frances and Robert and couldn't put the book down, partly I think because their characters are so brilliantly written. The past was a terrible time to be an aristocratic woman - they were little more than pawns to consolidate the power of their family, and they'd need real strength to survive. The time period and life at the Court of King James is also beautifully realised. I think my only niggle would be the way the story switches between past and present, first person and third person, and I became bit confused at times. I loved the first part and I loved the second part, but I wasn't so keen on the twist in the middle!

I really enjoyed The Poison Bed and can thoroughly recommend it to anyone who loves historical fiction. It was lovely to read about the Stuarts and James I (even if he was horrible!) about whom I know very little. A five star read, especially if you're a fan of authors who mix fact and fiction (such as Philippa Gregory).

Thank you to E.C. Fremantle, Michael Joseph (Penguin), and NetGalley for my copy of this book, which I received in exchange for an honest review.

I was lucky enough to receive an advance review copy of The Poison Bed, which will be published in the UK on 14 June 2018.

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